In 1963, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduced their latest costumed creations to the burgeoning Marvel Universe. Cyclops, the Beast, Iceman, the Angel, Marvel Girl — and their leader, the mysteriously-named Professor X — were the X-Men…and little did anyone know that they would take the comic book business by storm! Lee and Kirby billed them "The Strangest Super-Heroes of All!" and while their mutant powers were certainly weird, the binding concept of this band of heroes — a group feared and hated for being different — was pure Marvel relevance, striking at the heart of the Civil Rights battles of the time. This Omnibus collects the earliest adventures of the X-Men as they encounter Magneto, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Juggernaut, Ka-Zar of the Savage Land, the Sentinels, and many more of Marvel''s greatest heroes and villains!COLLECTING: X-Men (1963) 1-31